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About GX Route plugin for CMSimple

The GX Route plugin is a script to make route maps using Google-Maps.

It is a plugin for CMSimple (XH).

How to use this plugin?

Installing GXRoute

You just copy the plugin into the plugin folder from CMSimple - that's it!!!

After that you have to change the rights from the following folders and files using chmod:

Folder chmod
css 755
config 755
help 755
languages 755
map 777
  • All files in the root from GXRoute to 444 (chmod 444).
  • Folder config: contains the configuration - config.php to 666 (chmod 666).
  • Folder css: contains the stylesheets - gxroute.css to 755 (chmod 755).
  • Folder languages: contains the language files - PHP files to 755 (chmod 755).
  • Folder map: contains the dynamically generated maps and javascripts - all files to 777 (chmod 777).

Furthermore, you have to call the plugin in your content. Simply add the following line where you want to have the result:


The function could receive a variable: The number (from 1 ascending) of the map if there are several (s. arrays in the configuration).

Configuring GXRoute

There are a set of variables in the configuration that you should look over and tweak to your liking.

Variable Value
delimiter Delimiter of values in arrays(1)
mapsize_width Width of the map in pixel/percent
Has to be changed in CSS file too!
mapsize_height Height of the map in pixel/percent
Has to be changed in CSS file too!
align Alignment of the map
Values = "Left", "Center", "Right"
APIkey The domain specific APIkey fom http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html. Put here the default APIkey when you have multiple domains (see alternate_Domains) and APIkeys (see alternate_APIkeys).
alternate_Domains Alternative domain name(s) separated by delimiter
alternate_APIkeys Alternative APIkey(s) separated by delimiter. You have to keep the same order as for alternate_Domains.
position_latitude Latitude(s) of the marker on the map(s)
Different latitudes(2) from several maps are separated with the configured delimiter.
position_longitude Longitude(s) of the marker on the map(s)
Different longitudes(2) from several maps are separated with the configured delimiter.
zoomlevel Zoomlevel
address Name, addresse oo other informations to be shown.
Different informations from several maps are separated with the configured delimiter.
map_type Type of the map.
You have three possibilities: G_NORMAL_MAP = normal map, G_SATELLITE_MAP = satellite view, G_HYBRID_MAP = hybrid.

(1) the following fields could be arrays to define several maps (s. above) => position_latitude, position_longitude, address

(2) The longitude or the latitude could be find out like this:

  • Go to http://maps.google.com.
  • Search the address and wait for the result.
  • Copy the following code to the address field of your browser: javascript:void(prompt('',gApplication.getMap().getCenter()));
  • Copy the displayed longitude / latitude.


There is no warrenty using this plugin. It will be used on everybody's own risk. We will not assume any liability in case of data losses caused by GXRoute usage.

Where to find GXRoute?

The latest version of GXRoute could be downloaded here.

Help and questions

Help and questions only in CMSimple forum and/or CMSimple wiki please.

See a way GXRoute can be improved?

I am not an expert on PHP, so if you see a way to improve on any aspect this plugin, just contact me over my website.


© 2010-2015 by Gerd Xhonneux, xtc